Sunday, April 8, 2007

love or witchcraft

Q: Dear Lady, Sorry about the demise of your husband. I need your advice. I'm in love with a guy who is my friend. We've known each other for years, but I want to go deeper now. I don't want to risk losing his friendship, but I love him. What should I do?
-heartsick and hopeful in the OC

A: H&H, i had a great great grandmother, Madeline Cohen. She faced the same problem many years ago. She invited the man she loved over for a romantic dinner, made him dinner, then explained to him that if he didn't go deeper with her she would tell everyone in the village that his sister was a witch practiced in the dark arts. it was a pretty rough threat (and not at all based in truth), but great great grandma cohen was a real romantic who would do anything for love. Those, of course, were different times. anyhow...what was the question again? Oh yes, what to do about your true love... Make him cookies and give him a nice note about your feeling. If that doesn't work, does he have a sister?
-DR. Sadie

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