Tuesday, April 17, 2007

What the #*^&

Q: Hi, this is Jane. Hi Dr. Sadie, thank you for taking my call. It’s an honor to talk to you. I’ll just get right to the point, and if you need any background info I can fill you in. My aunt told me and my mother that she thought “weaner cabin” was spelled “weener cabin”. This has caused tremendous uncomfortableness as I have reason to believe she uses “weener” to mean “wiener”. I think it is immoral to say this and really offends my sensibles. It’s really upsetting as I have always used “weener” as a fun word and not offensive, but for her to use this against me in this manner is more than I can handle. Please help – we have a family dinner coming up and I don’t know if I can be in the same room as she is. How do I handle this without splitting up the family?

A: I'm extremely confused by your message. In my family, if someone called someone else a Weener or a Wiener, regardless of how it was spelled, the name caller would have their bed short-sheeted and possibly wake up with their eyebrows shaved off. However, this may not be pertinent to your question, which I don't understand in the slightest. If you wish to elaborate, please add something in the comment section and I -- or some other reader -- will chime in.
-DR. Sadie

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