Friday, April 27, 2007


Q: Dear Sadie, I love your voice on the radio. In fact, I have fallen in love with you. What can I do? I think we would be the perfect couple. I do not snivel.

A: Dear David, you are a kind and well-mannered gentleman. And you know the one thing a lady needs most: a non-sniveler. I wish more of you out there sent messages like this, which ask for advice whilst acknowleding that my voice is like a warm breeze gently caressing the airwaves as I dole out well-meaning counsel. As to what you and I can do about your feelings. Here's my response: keep your greedy hands off me you insensitive no-necked creep! don't you realize i'm still in mourning over the loss of what's-his-face!?
Thank you for writing.
-DR. Sadie

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