Tuesday, April 10, 2007

college professor Exxxposed

Hello, Sadie!

It's your common sense and no-nonsense approach to ettiquette that makes me ask the following question:

I have a college professor who occassionally lectures with his fly unzipped. It's distracting as heck, but nobody wants to scream out, "zip up your fly" during the class, or bring up this issue before or after lectures. It would be embarrassing to him, and nobody in the class wants to look like they spend three hours staring at a fifty year old's crotch...

What to do? How to breach this unsightly topic?

Thanks again,


A: Nomika, I am almost speechless. That last happened (me being speechless) in 1945 when Eleanor Roosevelt wore a skirt that showed too much knee during an Allied Victory party in Times Square. I blushed for four months, and still can't talk about the experience in front of a GI. So this thing with your professor makes me a little uncomfortable, especially if the professor isn't especially tall and attractive. Does he have a nice thick head of hair? I digress. Here's my answer... If this professor left his fly down once, it might be a broken zipper. Twice would be stupidity. Three times or more, I'm starting to wonder. Is it really an accident? What's he lecturing about -- snakes? you have three choices: ignore him, write an anonymous note explaining that he should keep his curriculum vitae better covered, or change your major to something where the professors all wear rain slickers outside their clothes. I suppose that would be meteorology.

-DR. Sadie

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