Friday, April 20, 2007

how to win back a man

Q: How can I get my boyfriend to pay more attention to me? We have been together for over a year and he has changed from a sweet, adoring lover to a listless, boring oaf who spends more time drooling over this British skank at his work than he does appreciating what he's got right at home. What should I do to win back his affection?

- Sincerely, Hopelessly in Love, British Columbia, Canada

A: Dear hopeless (if I might call you that for short): Are you #*%& kidding me?! Don't try to win back this dork's affections. Demand it. But be an adult about it. Write a polite, mature note explaining that you deserve respect and devotion, that you need some time to think things over and that if he wants to know how to extract said note from the inside of his left nostril, he should use pliers.
-DR. Sadie

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