Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Astute Career Counseling

Q: Dear Dr. Sadie - I was very sorry to learn of Mort's passing, but am delighted to see you getting on with your life (even if you are a comic strip character).
Should I pursue a career in geriatric nursing with a specialty in speech pathology (the latter in order to assist victims of stroke in communication)? Please advise.....


A: Tracy, rarely do I deign to give anyone actual advice, as all of you cretins are beneath me and my wise counsel. But in this case, I thank you for your comment on Mort's passing and I will take your heartfet question steriously. I strongly advise you to pursue a career in baseball. the best job in the world is playing 3rd base for the New York Yankees. If you get that job, I would appreciate if you would introduce me to Derek Jeter, the hunky shortstop. If you insist on pursuing that other job -- the one for old people -- then try to visit the pharmacy ad get me some Icy Hot rubbing creme which I can put in Rudy's shorts. Hope this helps wth your difficult decision.
-DR. Sadie

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