Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Chatty Wife

Q: Sadie,My wife seems to have a constant need to require more information than is necessary out of any statement that I make. For example, I might say something like, "Honey, I'm home." and she says "Oh, you mean your coworker Mike and his wife had their baby? Tell me all the details." In fact, now that I think about it, all you women seem to have this requirement. Is it hard coded into your genes, or something? What can I, as a man, do to tone down or eliminate this annoying habit? Thanks.
-Schadeboy, Sierra Vista, AZ

A: Dear Schadeboy, or should I call you whineboy? Just so I'm clear: are you asking me -- a woman -- for advice even as you also insult all women by calling us annoying busy bodies? You're like all men. You complain about women. But you need us -- to listen to you, make your food, clean up your piles of stinky laundry, show you how to dress properly and be polite in company. And to give you advice over the Internet! Now go in the other room, apologize to your wife, tell her everything she wants to know, give her a foot rub and buy her a Rudy Park coffee mug as a gift. Penance!**
-DR. Sadie

**Dr. Sadie, like all female cartoon characters, is not above shameless marketing tactics.

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