Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Socialism and a spanking

Q: OK. Talk about socialism in latin america against USA imperial control (including, blacks, indians, inmigrants, etc..)
Please be funny

A: Juan, are you looking for advice or assigning me an essay? the last time someone assigned me one of those #*^&^ essays, it was Ms. Dempsey in 1930 in a high school history class. the topic was, "discuss the rise of fascism." I still remember my essay. I wrote, "Dear Principal Smith, it pains me so much to write this letter. But I think Ms. Dempsey has a crush on Stalin. One day after class, I saw her handing out leaflets promoting a Russian invasion of Hawaii. You should have her arrested and give me an A. Or I'll tell everyone you're a communist. With deep regards, Sadie, grade 10." I hope that answers your question, Juan.
-DR. Sadie

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