Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Q: Hey Doc...
For 13 years I've been the sole money-earner in our family. After the kids got in school, my wife decided to get her teachers degree. She's since finished and has gotten a job teaching. After she got her job, I decided it was time for me to switch careers and I'm getting my REALTOR's license. I've done all my schooling and I'm waiting for my background check to comeback so I can get my license. In the meantime, I'm spending more time at home, taking care of the kids after school, doing housework, running errands, etc. Things she used to do, but can't now that she's working.
Here's the problem. I'm actually enjoying the change of pace being a "Mr. Mom". Is that wrong? What should I do if I find myself one day watching a back to back Oprah/Dr. Phil shows?

Help me!

-Tony, Mayfield, KY

A: First, congratulations. You've managed to get your wife to do the work while you stay home watching TV. Second: background check? Also brilliant. I assume that your plan is to fail the background check (easy to do if you anonymously tip the State Real Estate Licensing Board off to your college arrest record). Then tell your wife you tried to get a job, failed the background check, and that you're too depressed to work OR care for the kids and you that in order to cheer up, you really need her to give you a batch of chocolate chip cookies and a foot rub.
-DR. Sadie

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