Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Big Tubes Addiction

Q: I just read that another car manufacturer is planning to put televisions into the back seat of their cars. I think we are drowning in a sea of television. What do you think?
-Turned off By the Tube

A: Dear Turned Off. You're absolutely #*^&^ right. The *#@* spread of ^#@ TV makes me so freakin' sick. The @^* stupid TV executives and the @&%& idiotic advertisers and the @&%& zoned-out kids and their @*%& TVs. All TVs should be blown-up and thrown into the @*^& ocean. Except the ones that play Jeopardy. That show should be on around the clock, in all locations, including cars, trains, airplanes and bathrooms. It should be required viewing during all school hours. Also, all Yankee games. Hope that clears things up.

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