Friday, April 27, 2007

evening gown advice

Q: Yo, Sadie!!

So, if I get a fishtail evening gown, how do I dance without tripping on the hem?? This is of extreme importance...

-Happy Feet

A: Happy Feet, I have had this problem many times. Once, at the start of the Korean War, I was invited to a certain aircraft carrier which shall go unnamed by a certain general who shall go unnamed but who rhymes with General MacParthur (and who took a certain fancy to me). I was invited to attend a dance on the ship for executive officers and their dates. Mid soiree, I got bored with the general's advances and I snuck up to the command center. Whilst snooping with the ship's steering, I slipped on the end of my dress, was caught, and spent two years in the brig. I always wished I whould have brought a safety pin to tuck up the bottom of my dress. I'm sure this helps immensely. I think you'll be okay if you dance on land, rather than at sea.
-DR. Sadie

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