Friday, April 20, 2007


Q: Dear Vicious Broad,
I am a young man in my early thirties and I currently have three lovely girlfriends. The thing is, I am cheating on all three of them with the other two. Now, in all the movies I have ever seen when a man is an unrepentant cheater then the “wronged” women always gang up on him in very abusive ways to teach him a lesson.
But in my situation all of the girls know about the others and they are fine with it. What am I doing wrong? Or, is everything just fine and I should leave things alone. I always feel uneasy whenever my life doesn’t match up with whatever the media says it should be. Help me Sadie.

-Signed, In lotsa love

A: Dear uneasy, here's your main problem: whining! You have three girlfriends and none of them mind. They're the ones with the problem! I say you continue to go galavanting about with your non-commital ways, enjoying the fruits of your situation. Everything will be just fine until one day when one of the gals gets wise, puts a whole bunch of laxative in your hot chocolate and then writes on a post on her myspace page about what a jerk you are (and how you can't handle your laxative). Then you'll never date anyone again and you won't feel uneasy.
-DR. Sadie

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