Monday, August 20, 2007

Words for a Road Hog

Q: Dear Sadie,
My boyfriend and I have a lot of trouble communicating while we are riding our motorcycles and we always end up in arguments. I want to buy a bike-to-bike communication system, but he says it's too expensive. Should we try to learn "sign" language instead?

-Harley Momma

A: Dear HM,
The premise of your question disturbs me. Your phrasing suggests that you don't want to get into arguments -- almost as if arguments are a bad thing. Quite the contrary. Arguments are the lifeblood of relationships. You might as well not have a relationship if you don't have arguments. Or, maybe that's sex I'm thinking about. It's been so long I can't remember. The point is: keep arguing and riding your hog, preferably at the same time. It might not be safe for other drivers, but it sure keeps things spicy.
-DR. Sadie

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