Sunday, July 22, 2007

Anger mis-management

Q: Hey there, I have a temper problem. when ever someone defies me I get angry. please advise.
-hot head

A: Hot Head, you're right, you do have a problem. Don't just get angry when someone defies you. Get angry even when they agree with you. Then you will be a fully-formed and evolved human. Good luck!
-DR. Sadie

Ex Wants Money

Q: I dated a guy 10 years ago who recently called to borrow money which he says he will pay back, what do you say?

A: Donna, first, let me thank you for asking this question. I am alway thrilled to get a question like this because IT MAKES ME SO *^&% ANGRY! I've been relative serene this weekend, which makes me feel bored and pouty. And along comes a guy from 10 years ago and asks to borrow money. Tell him this: Sure, you can borrow money, if first you pay back the years of my life you stole by being a selfish, self-centered, stinky jerk with bad table manners, who dumped me for a waitress in Fresno! (Donna, I'm not sure how much of that is true, but it feels great to get off your chest).
-DR. Sadie

Cat counsel, Orange county

Q: Dear "Doc" Sadie – why does my kitty-cat sleep lying on her tail?? Also, what is your feeling about being printed in the O.C. Register, (CA) and --- being subjected to placement next to “Pearls” by that fount of funny stuff Steve Pastis?? (I think he is gorgeous!)??? This is a two-part question.


A: Dorothy, first, I should say that I'm a "doctor" not a "veternarian," so I don't pretend to know the first thing about cats. That said, I do know everything there is to know about all subjects. So, with that in mind, I will tell you that your cat is sleeping because when she sleeps, she dreams is a dog. A happy dog whose tail wags a lot. This bothers her on a basic psychological level because she is embarrassed to dream of being a dog. In short, your cat is a cross-dresser of some sort; I'm sorry to be the one to tell you.
As to the Orange County Register, I like being in any forum that will listen to my wisdom. that said, I once saw the show "the OC" and i think those kids should learn to shut their whiny mouths and respect their elders.
Here's a dirty secret about Pastis -- his character "pig" once made a pass at me during a cartoon character convention, and I've never been the same.
-DR. Sadie

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Stubborn is as stubborn does

Q: Hello Dr. Sadie,

I was wondering if there's anything I can do about my stubborness. Giving up to what others say is next to impossible for me, yet it doesnt' get me any where near having friends. It does get lonely at times.

Hope there's something out there for me.

-Yours, Reem

A: Reem, this is another superb question. For a boob. Don't change a thing. The more someone asks you to change, the more you should hunker down. Stubborness is next to Godliness. Do you think God relented when she came up with the idea for the Octopus or the Sport Utility Vehicle, even though her advisors told her they were stupid ideas? Of course not. If someone asks you to change your habits, tell them to take a hike. That goes double if it's a physician who wants you to stop eating ice cream. Are you listening, Dr. Johnson?!
-DR. Sadie

Getting more from life

Q: Dear Dr. Sadie,
I have been happily married for twenty five years and during all that time my wife says I'm a grump. Well heck, I am a grump. But now I wondering if it's enough in my life. Should I expand my horizons? How can I break the mode? You seem like a wonderful role model and if anyone can help it's got to you. Any ideas?

-An ol' stick in the mud

A: Dear stick, superb question. You may be old and a grump at home, but your best days are behind you. It's time to expand, grow, take your talents and soar! You don't just have to be a grump at home -- you can be one in public, at the mall, among friends at parties, and definitely, absolutely, when shouting at the neighboring kids to "GET OFF MY LAWN!" Don't go gently into that stinky old night. Make trouble -- everywhere and anytime. And don't tell me you don't know how. You've got it in you. Now commence your grumping!
-DR. Sadie

Why is Sadie fat?

Q: why are you so fat?

A: Dear ignorant stick figure-loving dillweed, I am not fat. I am buxom, the way a lady should be. I am full-figured, and, appropriately so, given I'm chock full of nurturing kindness and maternal wisdom, you wayward turd. You're probably one of those 21st century losers who idealizes drug-addled waifs like Kate Moss. I could eat her in one sitting!
-DR. Sadie