Thursday, July 19, 2007

Stubborn is as stubborn does

Q: Hello Dr. Sadie,

I was wondering if there's anything I can do about my stubborness. Giving up to what others say is next to impossible for me, yet it doesnt' get me any where near having friends. It does get lonely at times.

Hope there's something out there for me.

-Yours, Reem

A: Reem, this is another superb question. For a boob. Don't change a thing. The more someone asks you to change, the more you should hunker down. Stubborness is next to Godliness. Do you think God relented when she came up with the idea for the Octopus or the Sport Utility Vehicle, even though her advisors told her they were stupid ideas? Of course not. If someone asks you to change your habits, tell them to take a hike. That goes double if it's a physician who wants you to stop eating ice cream. Are you listening, Dr. Johnson?!
-DR. Sadie

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