Sunday, July 22, 2007

Cat counsel, Orange county

Q: Dear "Doc" Sadie – why does my kitty-cat sleep lying on her tail?? Also, what is your feeling about being printed in the O.C. Register, (CA) and --- being subjected to placement next to “Pearls” by that fount of funny stuff Steve Pastis?? (I think he is gorgeous!)??? This is a two-part question.


A: Dorothy, first, I should say that I'm a "doctor" not a "veternarian," so I don't pretend to know the first thing about cats. That said, I do know everything there is to know about all subjects. So, with that in mind, I will tell you that your cat is sleeping because when she sleeps, she dreams is a dog. A happy dog whose tail wags a lot. This bothers her on a basic psychological level because she is embarrassed to dream of being a dog. In short, your cat is a cross-dresser of some sort; I'm sorry to be the one to tell you.
As to the Orange County Register, I like being in any forum that will listen to my wisdom. that said, I once saw the show "the OC" and i think those kids should learn to shut their whiny mouths and respect their elders.
Here's a dirty secret about Pastis -- his character "pig" once made a pass at me during a cartoon character convention, and I've never been the same.
-DR. Sadie

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