Thursday, July 19, 2007

Getting more from life

Q: Dear Dr. Sadie,
I have been happily married for twenty five years and during all that time my wife says I'm a grump. Well heck, I am a grump. But now I wondering if it's enough in my life. Should I expand my horizons? How can I break the mode? You seem like a wonderful role model and if anyone can help it's got to you. Any ideas?

-An ol' stick in the mud

A: Dear stick, superb question. You may be old and a grump at home, but your best days are behind you. It's time to expand, grow, take your talents and soar! You don't just have to be a grump at home -- you can be one in public, at the mall, among friends at parties, and definitely, absolutely, when shouting at the neighboring kids to "GET OFF MY LAWN!" Don't go gently into that stinky old night. Make trouble -- everywhere and anytime. And don't tell me you don't know how. You've got it in you. Now commence your grumping!
-DR. Sadie

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