Sunday, June 24, 2007

Bugged by SUVs

Q: Dear Sadie,I drive a Volkswagen Beetle. I chose it because they look funny, it is fun to drive, and the gas mileage is pretty good. It's all the car I need. So - the problem. SUV's and trucks. I can't tell you the number of times I have been pushed around by owners of SUV's and trucks who have done things like:
* merge right and pass me just to swerve right back in front of me. (Since the traffic speed was 10 MPH over the speed limit, it certainly wasn't because I was going too slow!)
* see me coming on the street and peel out of the parking lot when anyone with half a brain would realize that they clearly did not have the right of way and were risking a collision.
* speed up as soon as they see my turn signal indicting I need to merge into their lane. The list goes on. It's annoying. I'm thinking of mounting some kind of cannon on the front of my bumper in answer to this rudeness. What do you think?
-Hopped up Bug Owner

A: Bug Owner, I can appreciate your frustration. Nobody likes to be pushed around by impolite gas-guzzling jerks. I remember one time in the 50s, I was dating a guy whose overbearing mother got a little pushy with me. I went to an old army outpost, stole a tank, and drove it onto her lawn. Now tanks, those things use a lot of gas. But I digress. Where was I? Oh yes, what to do about these jerks? Is it possible you can find a tank somewhere?
-DR. Sadie

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