Thursday, January 17, 2008

Hotter than Sadie?

Q: Sadie, can you tell me why the Orange County (Calif.) Register insists on running Rudy Park when they could run Candorville, a much better strip also penned by Darrin Bell? No offense, but the chick in Candorville is much hotter than you. Happy New Year.

A: David, you wouldn't know a hot woman if she came up and slapped you in the forehead with a frying pan. Which is what any woman worth her salt should do the moment she sees you while also carrying a pan. As to Darrin Bell, I hear that guy eats bugs -- COMMUNIST bugs. He's a whiner, and he's not funny, and he draws like that commie Karl Marx. If you like Candorville, you probably like to listen to the soundtracks from Broadway Musicals and get weepy. Let me know when you're ready for a real woman -- and I'll slap you in the head myself.
-DR. Sadie


Big Al said...

Since I am no longer aloud to post comments to my son's blog, I thought I might make a comment or two on yours, Sadie.

My question today is why am I the only one to comment on your postings? You certainly provide a lot of fodder (at least for this "fodder"). Fodder --- Father; get it?


Big Al

Big Al said...

Sadie, please excuse my earlier comment. You will remember that one as it is the only one you have. I meant to write "allowed", not "aloud". And, if your blog would have allowed anonymous comments, it would have been. I do not want to be kicked off of your blog, as well as my first son's.


Big Al

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